Block Level Committee & Facilitators

Block Level Committee

The District Magistrate will constitute the Block Level Committee (BLC) for each Minority Concentration Block (MCB).

The constitution of block Level Committee will be as follows-

Sr.No. Block Level Committee Committee Members
i) Block Level Head of Panchayatiraj Chairman
ii) Block Development Officer Co-chairman
iii) Block Level Officer of education Member
iv) Block Level Officer of Health Member
v) Block Level Officer of ICDS Member
vi) Block Level Officer for welfare Member
vii) Local lead bank officer Member
viii) Principal of ITI, if any Member
ix) Three Representative from reputed
NGO/Civil society working for minorities
Nominated Member
- by DM

The Block Level Committee would be responsible for preparing the plan of the block on the basis of felt needs of the minorities in the block. This Committee would also be responsible for monitoring this program at the block level.

Block Level Facilitators

To function as a bridge between the minority communities and the Government program, a Block Level Facilitator will be engaged on contractual basis to carry out the responsibility given to him. The Facilitator would function directly under the control and supervision of the district nodal officer responsible for implementation of the program. The Block Level Facilitator would be paid monthly remuneration of Rs.10000 to 15000 and a maximum of Rs.5000 for TA/DA/other expenses for his operation sand functions from the administrative cost of the Program. The facilitator should be a graduate with preferably 2 years experience of working in social sector. The State Government / UT Administration would fix the exact qualification for the Facilitators subject to the broad parameters given here and hire the Facilitators through a transparent process through open advertisement in the news papers. The terms and conditions of the contractual service would be prescribed by the State/ UT.

The Functions of Block Level Facilitators Would Be as Follows

  1. To function as a bridge between the Government institutions and the minority community to ensure that the benefits of the program reach them properly.
  2. To give necessary support to a Block Level Committee in scrutinizing the plan proposal for its recommendations to District Level Committee and monitoring the implementation of the projects.
  3. The facilitator would prepare the progress report and other required reports for the program
  4. The facilitator would also render necessary support to Social Audit Committee at the Block Level.
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