Empowered Committee In The Ministry Of Minority Affairs

There shall be a, MSDP Empowered Committee to appraise, recommend and Approve the projects in the plan of the minority concentration districts consisting of:-

  1. Secretary, Ministry of Minority Affairs- Chairman
  2. Secretary Expenditure, or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary- Member
  3. Secretary of the concerned Ministry / Department or his representative not below the rank of Joint Secretary dealing with the sector of the project proposed- Member
  4. The Chief Engineer from the technical wing / agency / authority dealing with the sector of the project proposed or his representative of relative rank- Member
  5. Principal Adviser/ Adviser, in-charge of Social Justice sector in Planning Commission- Member
  6. Financial Advisor, Ministry of Minority Affairs- Member
  7. Member-Secretary of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi.
  8. Joint Secretary/Joint Secretariesin-charge of MSDP–One JS being Member Convener

The Empowered Committee may invite the heads of the regional research institutes of ICSSR or the professional agency like a university which has carried out the base line survey to its meetings, if the need arises.

Functions of the Empowered Committee

The functions of the Empowered Committee shall be as follows:

  1. To approve the plans of block/town/cluster received from the SLC
  2. To approve the projects costing more than Rs. 10croreon the basis of DPR
  3. To change the allocation of the blocks/towns to encourage the good performing blocks/towns/villages.
  4. To monitor the implementation of the program.
  5. To prescribe guidelines for the program and to obviate procedural and other bottle necks in the execution of program / projects
  6. To suggest policy changes required in the program for its smooth implementation.

The Empowered Committee would meet as often as necessary to consider the proposals received from the States/ UTs.

Transparency and Publicity of Information

In order to ensure that the information about developmental schemes being implemented reaches the ultimate beneficiaries, i.e. the targeted beneficiaries, there is a need to ensure greater transparency and publicity of information. Forth is purpose, the following shall be ensured:

  1. All sanctioned schemes/ projects shall be given wide publicity in local media and placed in the web-site concerned.
  2. Immediately after project approval is received, the State Government shall display at projects itea board indicating the date of sanction of the project, likely date of completion, estimated cost of the project, source of funding i.e. MsDP (Government of India),contractor(s) name and the physical target. After completion of projects, a permanent display shall be put up.
  3. Ministry of Minority Affairs and the State Government/ UT Administration shall disseminate information through media– print/electronic and shall place it in their existing websites.
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