Implementation Of The Projects

Implementation of the Projects Approved

1) The implementation of the program would be the responsibility of the concerned State Government / UT Administration. The execution of the projects would be done by the Panchayatraj institutions/ line departments /agencies/Scheduled Area councils in accordance with the implementation mechanism in practice in the State/UT.

2) In case of gap filling projects the executing agency would normally be the same agency which executes the projects under the original scheme for which the additional resources are being provided. However, if the State / UT propose to execute the project through some other agency, the same should be proposed while sending the plan for the approval of the Empowered Committee.

3) In case of innovative projects (non-gap filling projects), the executing agency must be part of the project report and plan proposal sent to Empowered Committee should also indicate the same.

Cost Escalation

Any proposal relating to escalation in cost of the sanctioned projects, for any reason whatsoever would not be considered under MsDP. The State Government would make up the short fall, in all such cases.

Administrative Cost

1) Up to a maximum of 3% of the total allocation under the program would be earmarked for administrative and allied expenses. Out of this 1% would be used for IEC activities and expense sat the Central level. 2%of the allocation can be utilized towards the administrative and allied expenses at the State, district and block level including the expenses relating to engagement of Block Level Facilitators (details at Para 14).

2) The Ministry of Minority Affairs will give a list of items with tentative expenditure allow able at the State, district and block level to facilitate the approval of proposals for the administrative cost. Till then the States / UTs may send their proposals for administrative cost on the basis of their requirement.

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