Multi-sectorial Development Plan

1) The State Govt./ UT Administration would notify a department with clear responsibility to deal with Multi-sectorial Development Program. It would be advisable that implementation of the MsDP and Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programs is the responsibility of the same department in the State Govt./UT Administration. While preparing the Plan for MsDP, the State Govt. / UTs would undertake both the gap filling (covered under the existing Centrally Sponsored Schemes) and non-gap filling projects (innovative projects) for the welfare of the minorities.

2) While preparing the Plan for MsDP, the State Govt. /UTs would give priority to education, health and skill development including kill training to the minorities. At least 10% of the allocation given to the State would be earmarked for the activities related to skill training to minority youth. Further, to facilitate and motivate education amongst girls of minority communities, free bicycles can be given to the minority girl students of class 9th under MsDP. The student should have passed prescribed examination of class 8th and continue the studies in class 9th and such girl student should belong to the family “Below Poverty Line”.

3) Preparation of MsD Plan

To take the planning process to the grass root level and to ensure the involvement of the Panchayatiraj Institutions in this Program, a block level committee in all the blocks covered under this program will be constituted. The Block Level Committee would prepare the plan (comprising different projects needed on the basis of base line survey) at the village level. This Committee would then recommend the plan to the District Level Committee for Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Program. For Towns / Cities, the proposal of the projects will be prepared by the local body and submitted to the District Level Committee. The District Level Committee would scrutinize the plan proposal and recommend it to the State Level Committee for 15 Point Programs. The State Level Committee would give approval to the projects based on the standardized cost derived by the State from the approved norms of corresponding schemes of Central Ministries. In case of other projects not having standardized cost, the State Level Committee would approve the projects on the basis of SOR of the State/UT. State Level Committee would approve the projects costing up to Rs.10crore. Empowered Committee eat the Centre would approve the overall plan of the block / town and clusters of villages and the projects of more than Rs.10crore . Based on this approval the release of fund would be done by the Ministry and the State Govt.

4) The Plan should be designed to fill the, development deficits either by top ping up the funds of ongoing schemes/program of the Central Government or propose projects which are not catered to by existing schemes / program of the Central and State Government sand indicate the year-wise financial and physical phasing for implementation during the12th Five-year Plan period.

5) It should be ensured that the projects included in the MsDP Plan have not been sanctioned or proposed under any other scheme of the State / Central Government or any other source of funding including RSVY/BRGF and BADP in the areas concerned. It should further, been sure that there is no duplication with other public-funded schemes with similar objectives being implemented in the targeted MCBs /towns/cities/villages. It should also been sure that the MsDP plan is in consonance with the annual plans and 12th Five Year Plan and there sources being given to the blocks/towns/cities/ villages are in addition to regular allocation to these area sunder the existing schemes/program.

6) Each of the prioritized projects submitted to the State Level Committee will be accompanied by a socio-economic feasibility report justifying the proposal by clearly outlining the gap, its criticality ,goals ,strategies ,outcomes and benefits ,milestones, approximate cost of project ,project location ,land availability and intended beneficiaries, implementing agency ,duration of project, existing and proposed mechanism for implementation ,management / operation and maintenance of the assets created.

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