Principles of Multi-sectorial Development Plan

The following principles are laid down for formulation of plan

(i) The plan for the block / town shall be based on the requirement to improve socio- economic condition and basic amenities.

(ii) The plan should contain projects, prioritized with inter – se priorities among different targeted sectors namely, primary/secondary education, drinking water supply, electricity, health, sanitation, housing, and income generating activities. This will be done similarly for critical infrastructure required for overall development of the area. It may include projects for carrying out social mobilization and sensitization campaign to send children to schools, provide employment opportunities to women, etc. for improving the socio-economic parameters in the Minority Concentration Areas.

(iii) It should been sure that the funds provided for the Minority Concentration Areas are additional resources for these districts and they do not substitute central or State Government funds already flowing to the districts.

(iv) It should be ensured that there is no duplication with other public funded schemes with similar objectives being implemented in the targeted areas.

(v) Resources and attention should be given according to the level of deprivation of the areas concerned to improve the socio-economic conditions of minority communities and the basic amenities subject to the ceiling of financial assistance that may be provided to such areas.

(vi) Projects for creation of physical assets should be for providing critical infrastructure linkages that are required for optimizing services and providing livelihood support, to bring the identified districts at par with the national average.

(vii) No cost over-run would be permitted under this program. In case of any cost escalation, it would be borne by the State Government.

(viii) Peoples participation and involvement of PRIs, NGOs and Self Help Groups should been sure at every stage including plan formulation, implementation and monitoring.

(ix) Proposed projects should be sustainable and assets created with care so that they are useful and maintained even after the project is over.

(x) MsDP shall be implemented through the State/Central agencies only. The State may, however, decide to execute the project through any qualified, reputed, experienced agency ,including renowned and widely accepted NGOs, justification for which should be mentioned in the proposal.

(xi) Creation of new posts for the commissioned infrastructural projects under this scheme is strictly prohibited. It would be the responsibility of the State Government / UT administration to ensure that staff required for operational of assets proposed to be created under this program is already available or will be provided by them. No recurring expenditure would be funded from Central Government resources under the scheme and it should be the responsibly of the States / UTs to ensure that assets created under this program are maintained by them.

(xii) All plans / DPRs (wherever applicable) should be forwarded to the Ministry of Minority Affairs by the Department in the State dealing with minority welfare / affairs. This system of communication will apply to correspondences as well.

(xiii) Following criteria would further guide the planning exercise

  • The plan should give special attention to projects for education, health and skill development.
  • Projects for self-employment / income generating activities should be based on credit rather than subsidy and should be designed to leverage a larger investment as loans from the banks / financial institutions and beneficiary contribution. However, this may be relaxed for subsidy linked schemes of the Central Government which are absolutely essential to augm enter sources for expanding coverage of the scheme. In such case, the subsidy should be kept at the same level as provided in the Central Government schemes / program.
  • There would be no change in guidelines of any existing program under implementation in such MCBs/towns/cities/villages for which this scheme will provide additional funds.

(xiv) Following criteria would further guide the project identification exercise for creation of social and economic infrastructure and community assets

  • Land acquisition costs cannot be covered under this program. This shall be borne by the State/UT;
  • Financial assistance from this program cannot be utilized for construction or renovation of administrative buildings, establishment costs/staff costs etc.
  • No staff component–either work charge do regular–shall be created by the project implementing authorities from this program.
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