Release Of Funds

1) Projectsunder the program may be for filling up the gaps in the existing schemes of the Central Government or innovative projects to fulfill the area specific requirement of minority communities. The funding pattern for the projects to fill up the gaps in the existing schemes would be same as followed in the concerned scheme of the Government. The fund would continue to be released in two installments of 50% each and the 2nd installment would be released on utilization of 60% of 1st installment.

2) In case of innovative projects, the fund sharing between Centre and State would be in the ratio of 60:40 and 80:20 for North Eastern States. Further, the central share of fund for innovative projects would be released in three installments of 30%, 30% and 40%.

The 2nd installment for such projects would be released after the release of 50% of the State share and 50% utilization of the central share released. 3rd installment would be released after complete release of the State share and utilization of 50% of the Central share released. The release of fund would be done block/town/city wise rather than project-wise as done in the past.

3) The fund would be released plan wise taking block, town or cluster as a unit. 1st installment would be released on the approval of the plan by the Empowered Committee (EC) subject to the fact that Separate Accounts for schemes under MSDP will be maintained and details sent to the Central Ministry concerned for maintaining proper record of assets and avoiding double counting and duplication.

4) Request for release of subsequent installments of funds submitted by the State must be accompanied with:

  • Utilization Certificates (UCs)
  • Quarterly Progress Reports (QPRs)
  • Report regarding release of the State share in case of innovative projects

5) UCs shall be submitted in the prescribed Performa (Appendix-III) only when the expenditure on the project has been incurred by the implementing agency. Secretary of the Department in the State Government dealing with minority affairs should sign the UC. Release of further installments will be recommended only after receipt to fUCs and other related documents.

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